Tuesday 5 May 2009

Brighton SmashEDO demonstration

Yesterday after breakfast, my host mother told me and my friend to keep away from any crowd in the town, cause it might be a demonstration, something that wasn't clear for me. I've been trying to understant what was in fact a demonstration. Then when me and my friend were going to Somerfield in London Street to buy something for lunch we saw a few police vans and cars, and we both thought it wasn't normal. But ok, we got in the market and spend thirty minutes to choose murshrooms, salad and beans for me and tuna and rice for him. We I was paying we saw loads of police officers running down the road and police vans as well, "Cool!" we sad to each other. After that a flock of people with red and black clothes, flags and banner came along the road, "that's a demonstration!" I thought...

I'll complete this post this afternoon.